On the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th, My manifesting team and I
And It Doesn't Matter What it Is As Long As It's Legal.
Will manifest
for yoU!
Event already selling out with no major advertising!
On the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th, My manifesting team and I
And It Doesn't Matter What it Is As Long As It's Legal.
Will manifest for yoU!
Event already selling out with no major advertising!
here's how it's going
to work (push play)
here's how it's going
to work (push play)
here's how it's going
to work (push play)
here's how it's going to work (push play)
here's how it's going to work (push play)
here's how it's going to work (push play)

Specific Person, Unexpected Money, New Job,

Dream Home, Success In Your Career, Health And Vitality, Marriage Proposal

This may sound too good to be true, but trust me, all you need to do is sit back, and your wish will be fulfilled.

Can you imagine how good you will feel
when what you really want is yours?

We're going to spend 2 hours LIVE together, along with my manifesting team, Sheena Shah, Agne Lecocq, Rachael Zink, and myself, on the Eve of June 19th, the eve of the Summer Solstice.
Robert Zink
Rachael Zink
Sheena Shah
Agne Lecocq
  • You will experience energy and vibration beyond anything you ever experienced.
    Very soon you'll be with your specific person or spending your extra money or moving into your dream home.
  • Includes "eternal manifesting flame creator."
    A method created exclusively for this one time event.
  • This powerful method will help draw your desire to you, almost instantly, and being exactly what you want or even better!
  • Lifetime Support!
    Even after you have received exactly what you desire, we will continue to be available to you and you will receive
    FREE MEMBERSHIP in our private and exclusive club, "The Miracle Club". where we provide daily support.

How Could I Make Such
A Wild Claim?
Because I have been trained in the 7 principles of the universe, and when I apply these principles,
Because I have been trained in the 7 principles of the universe, and when I apply these principles,
Because I have been trained in the 7 principles of the universe, and when I apply these principles,
Because I have been trained in the 7 principles of the universe, and when I apply these principles,
Because I have been trained in the 7 principles of the universe, and when I apply these principles,
And no matter what you've tried in the past, it won’t make any difference to your success!

I am not bragging when I invoke these ancient principles; I have a
100% success rate.
This means you get what you want no matter what
you’ve tried in the past.

The only thing I ask of you is two hours of your time on
the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th so
that we can meet online and
begin the manifestation process.

Are You Ready To Receive?
And no matter what you've tried in the past, it won’t make any difference to your success!

I am not bragging when I invoke these ancient principles; I have a
100% success rate.
This means you get what you want no matter what
you’ve tried in the past.

The only thing I ask of you is two hours of your time on
the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th so that we can meet online and
begin the manifestation process.

Are You Ready To Receive?
And no matter what you've tried in the past, it won’t make any difference to your success!

I am not bragging when I invoke these ancient principles;
I have a 100% success rate.
This means you get what you want no matter what
you’ve tried in the past.

The only thing I ask of you is two hours of your time on
the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th so
that we can meet online and
begin the manifestation process.

Are You Ready To Receive?
And no matter what you've tried in the past, it won’t make any difference to your success!

I am not bragging when I invoke these ancient principles;
I have a 100% success rate.
This means you get what you want no matter what
you’ve tried in the past.

The only thing I ask of you is two hours of your time on
the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th so
that we can meet online and
begin the manifestation process.

Are You Ready To Receive?
And no matter what you've tried in the past, it won’t make any difference to your success!

I am not bragging when I invoke these ancient principles;
I have a 100% success rate.
This means you get what you want no matter what
you’ve tried in the past.

The only thing I ask of you is two hours of your time on
the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th so
that we can meet online and
begin the manifestation process.

Are You Ready To Receive?
And no matter what you've tried in the past, it won’t make any difference to your success!

I am not bragging when I invoke these ancient principles; I have a 100% success rate.
This means you get what you want no matter what
you’ve tried in the past.

The only thing I ask of you is two hours of your time on
the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th so
that we can meet online and
begin the manifestation process.

Are You Ready To Receive?
And no matter what you've tried in the past, it won’t make any difference to your success!

I am not bragging when I invoke these ancient principles; I have a 100% success rate.
This means you get what you want no matter what
you’ve tried in the past.

The only thing I ask of you is two hours of your time on
the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th so
that we can meet online and
begin the manifestation process.

Are You Ready To Receive?
And no matter what you've tried in the past, it won’t make any difference to your success!

I am not bragging when I invoke these ancient principles; I have a 100% success rate.
This means you get what you want no matter what
you’ve tried in the past.

The only thing I ask of you is two hours of your time on
the Eve of the Summer Solstice, June 19th so
that we can meet online and
begin the manifestation process.

Are You Ready To Receive?
Prepare for the most exciting time of your life as you allow the 7 ancient principles and the Universe to bring you the love of your life, the abundance you deserve, and the success that you’ve been waiting for.

…and everything will happen automatically!

Your life changes for the better on
June 19th from 6pm-8pm Pacific Time.
Let me ask you a few quick questions:

Are you done with a single life?
Are you ready for the one you want
to be a deeper part of your life?
Are you tired of struggling for
money, abundance,and prosperity?
Are you ready for the success and happiness
you know you deserve?
So, I guess you and I are in agreement that
something needs to change.

And the change you desire begins June 19th!
One of the reasons I got into coaching and mentoring people was my deep desire to help others be happy and live their best life. Early on, I discovered I had a unique gift for helping others get what they wanted.

As I studied the Ancient Principles of the Universe and began applying them to selected people, I discovered manifesting for others was actually easier than manifesting for myself.

I understand I have a gift, and that is why I limit the time I use it to one day a year and for a limited number of people.
2024 is about to become a year you'll always remember.
One of the reasons I got into coaching and mentoring people was my deep desire to help others be happy and live their best life. Early on, I discovered I had a unique gift for helping others get what they wanted.

As I studied the Ancient Principles of the Universe and began applying them to selected people, I discovered manifesting for others was actually easier than manifesting for myself.

I understand I have a gift, and that is why I limit the time I use it to one day a year and for a limited number of people.
2024 is about to become a year you'll always remember.
One of the reasons I got into coaching and mentoring people was my deep desire to help others be happy and live their best life. Early on, I discovered I had a unique gift for helping others get what they wanted.

As I studied the Ancient Principles of the Universe and began applying them to selected people, I discovered manifesting for others was actually easier than manifesting for myself.

I understand I have a gift, and that is why I limit the time I use it to one day a year and for a limited number of people.
2024 is about to become a year you'll always remember.
One of the reasons I got into coaching and mentoring people was my deep desire to help others be happy and live their best life. Early on, I discovered I had a unique gift for helping others get what they wanted.

As I studied the Ancient Principles of the Universe and began applying them to selected people, I discovered manifesting for others was actually easier than manifesting for myself.

I understand I have a gift, and that is why I limit the time I use it to one day a year and for a limited number of people.
2024 is about to become a year you'll always remember.


You must be willing to let go and let me do the manifesting.
You must promise to manifest only something for good.
You must be willing to let go and
let me do the manifesting.
You must promise to manifest
only something for good.
You must be willing to let go and
let me do the manifesting.
You must promise to manifest only something for good.
This is crucial in order for me and my manifesting team to
manifest for you. You must let go and simply allow what you
want to show up on your doorstep.
Here’s my sincere promise to you:
If you haven’t manifested what you want within 90 days I’m going to arrange a special call with you and fix it immediately!
Here’s my sincere promise to you:
If you haven’t manifested what you want within 90 days I’m going to arrange a special call with you and fix it immediately!
Here’s my sincere promise to you:
If you haven’t manifested what you want within 90 days I’m going to arrange a special call with you and fix it immediately!
The Only Thing Is...
I will only do this for a small number of people.

WHY? Because it will take everything we have to ensure a small number of people get exactly what they want!

Look, I have loved manifesting ever since I began applying the
7 Ancient Secrets. Plus, I love helping people, so it's an
absolutely perfect set-up for success in the Summer Solstice!

You will absolutely get what you want!
✅ A New Job
✅ Dream Home
✅ Specific Person
✅ Unexpected Money
✅ Health & Vitality
✅ Marriage Proposal
✅ Super Success
✅ And More!

✅ A New Job

✅ Dream Home

✅ Specific Person

✅ Unexpected Money

✅ Health & Vitality

✅ Marriage Proposal

✅ Super Success

✅ And More!

Admission to the Summer Solstice Manifesting Eve is $700.
Because we care about you and know that if you are reading this, there must be a reason, so I’m reducing the price to an amount almost anyone can afford.
$97 Early Bird Special - First 20 People
That’s a massive 85% Discount!
Because I’ve discovered that people do not value what they receive for free! They lack an energetic connection to the free item. When people value something they put their heart and soul into it, and I intend to use your intention to
manifest exactly what you want.

Remember, this is a one time opportunity. I and my manifesting team will be manifest for you on June 19th,
the Eve of the Summer Solstice.

So, The real question is, can you spare two hours on the Eve of Summer Solstice, and do you deeply desire to manifest something spectacular in your life within 90 Days?

If your answer is YES - Then reserve your spot now while you still can. Never allow regret to be your signature.
We will only do this for a small number of people.
BONUS! As an added bonus, you will receive free coaching for life! You will become a V.I.P. member of our private coaching group, The Miracle Club.

I, along with my manifesting team,
will help you daily manifest your dream life!!

This is a select private Facebook Group with tons of support to help you keep the Miracle Coming
and coming and coming…

P.S. If you are a member of the Miracle Club, check your feed for your automatic discount code.
Some people may ask,
"Why you don’t do this work for free?"

I sincerely believe that for a limited group of people, June 19th will be a new beginning. If you are ready to receive, I am ready to manifest for you on June 19th the Eve of the Summer Solstice.

Love and Miracles,

Robert Zink

P.S. Sometimes It's okay to delay, this is NOT one of those times.

I sincerely believe that for a limited group of people, June 19th will be a new beginning. If you are ready to receive, I am ready to manifest for you on June 19th the Eve of the Summer Solstice.

Love and Miracles,

Robert Zink

P.S. Sometimes It's okay to delay, this is NOT one of those times.
I sincerely believe that for a limited group of people, June 19th will be a new beginning. If you are ready to receive, I am ready to manifest for you on June 19th the Eve of the Summer Solstice.

Love and Miracles,
Robert Zink

P.S. Sometimes It's okay to delay, this is NOT one of those times.

I sincerely believe that for a limited group of people, June 19th will be a new beginning. If you are ready to receive, I am ready to manifest for you on June 19th the Eve of the Summer Solstice.

Love and Miracles,

Robert Zink

P.S. Sometimes It's okay to delay, this is NOT one of those times.

I sincerely believe that for a limited group of people, June 19th will be a new beginning. If you are ready to receive, I am ready to manifest for you on June 19th the Eve of the Summer Solstice.

Love and Miracles,

Robert Zink

P.S. Sometimes It's okay to delay, this is NOT one of those times.